Samnite helmet. IV century BC.
Samnite helmet. IV century BC.
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Samnite helmet. IV century BC.


IV century BC.

Similar helmets have been found in southern Italian graves. This type of helmet was formed under the influence of attic helmets of the Greek type. The Samnites are a people inhabiting Samnium in the central part of southern Italy, who fought several wars with the Roman Republic.

The term “Samnite” also refers to a type of Roman gladiator who fought with Samnian-style weaponry: a short sword (Gladius), a rectangular shield (Scutum), greaves (ocrea), and a helmet. Warriors armed in this way were the earliest gladiators in Roman games. They appeared in Rome shortly after the defeat of Doubt in the 4th century BC.

Material: brass / bronze.

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Brass, Bronze

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