Reconstructed fabric from Naintre, France. Gallo-Roman grave, 4th-5th century AD.
€ 25
Syrian / Byzantine. IV-V century AD.
Natural silk fabric.
Weight 130 gr/m2
Source: “Two Gallo-Roman Graves Recently Found in Naintré (Vienne, France)” / Northern Archaeological Textiles: NESAT VII: Textile Symposium in Edinburgh, 5th-7th May 1999.
Minimal cut is EITHER 25 running cm / 210 wide OR 50 running cm / 105 cm wide.
If you need more (75cm / 100 cm / … / 5 m) – just add more cuts, we will send the needed total lengh in one piece.
As buyers have variable requirement we prefer to discuss the needed lenght personaly after you will choose the width and make the order. We also try to cut the fabric by whole medallions.
Fabrics are reconstructed basing on historical sources.